Mound Builders, Kundalini and The Hidden Signs of the Serpent
“The Serpent signifies the primordial instinctual nature, the upsurging life-force, uncontrolled and undifferentiated; potential energy; animating spirit”
Last week, while watching Graham Hancock’s Ancient Apocalypse show on Netflix, I scratched my head as he gave an overly simplistic solar alignment theory of an amazing Serpent Mound in Ohio. There’s so much more to that picture, I thought, while the beautiful panoramic drone shot unfolded over the landscape. To my vision, it revealed a more complex and voluminous symbol than the tame explanation given by Hancock in the montage.
For instance, the Head of the serpent on this magnificent mound appears to have open jaws signifying it’s ability to eat the egg, a universal symbol of wholeness. Behind the open jaws, the waves of the serpent's body serve as a map to illustrate the path of the sun, moon, star or planet a tribe would map as they travel their perpetual paths through the heavens- Weaving their primordial web to form the cycles of time. At Its tail, it forms a spiral, which is a tell tale symbol of the larger cycles of time which can be either ascending or descending- The metallic ages, shars, baktuns, or yugas; which trace the serpents tail through hundreds,.thousands or hundreds of thousands of calendrical cycles to form the whole- Eternity. The Ohio Mound represents time, the never ending infinity loop of the serpent.
Just as the snake eating it’s tail, the ouroboros, symbolizes the authentic evolutionary cycle of life, death, rebirth. In western esoteric tradition, the alchemical and cosmic egg with a serpent wrapped around it reveals the cyclical patterns of the same design. The primordial egg also shows us that the earth is not perfectly round or flat but is oval shaped in continually changing flux and flow- Call me an Oval Earther if you wish.
The mound building cultures of ancient America left thousands of specimens for us to observe stretching from present day Mexico to the copper deposits in the Great Lakes… Early maps depict mounds all over the south and as far east as Manhattan! Some have been dated to be built as far back as 3500 BCE during the Bronze Age while others were still believed to be active at the time of European colonization. Stick-built huts for ritual worship or residency by tribal elites were the “capstones” on top of many ancient American earthen mounds..
So, if mound building cultures like the ones who constructed the Ohio Serpent calendar were so prevalent, why is their culture still buried in the sands of history today? I understand that colonizing countries landed in America to replicate a Roman-esque conquest which destroys oral culture and erases the vanquished from history but since many sites can still be visited today… What gives, modernity?
While I tend to stray away from the easy hypotheses and quips so popular in today's dark age, like racism, sexism, religious bigotry and the like- There has to be something larger and more important for such a concerted denial of so many obvious pre-Columbian civilizations in America. Does the ignorance and erasure of mound building cultures and other ancient neolithic peoples in America have to do with the Serpent?
The Serpent powers which lie dormant within each person represent the regenerative powers which many different traditions have unique names for: Ancient Chinese cultures call this hidden power Chi, while Hawaiians call it Prana, Hindu’s or Yogis call it Kundalini, Ancient Celts may have called it “Imbas Foresnai”, and Nazi’s apparently called it Vril… Today, we can simply call it Life Force Energy. It’s a hidden power which when awakened flows through the reproductive glands, weaves like a snake through the 7 Chakras around the spine and cycles through the” third eye” in a serpent like pattern. Similar to how the sun and moon weave their opposing patterns around the axis mundi of the earth.
“The Serpent signifies the primordial instinctual nature, the upsurging life-force, uncontrolled and undifferentiated; potential energy; animating spirit”- Traditional Symbols by J.C. Cooper
Awakening this Kundalini energy through devotional yoga, breath work routines or ritual meditation unlocks natural sources of DMT in the body to get you high on your own supply.
I myself practice Kundalini yoga and can attest that it produces a buzz throughout my body- Rising from the sacral area to a pulsating point in between my eyes when pulling “mulabunda”. It’s a great practice for relieving stress and inducing a shamanic state of consciousness.
However, awakening this serpent energy will evoke a different experience within each person, including very rare but intense ones which can make a person seem schizophrenic for extended periods of time. Unpegging the serpent within will also make you see through the illusion of the industrialized world, it gives you your “They Live” glasses whose true vision can’t be unseen. So, it’s no wonder why the Kundalini energy is kept secret!
Since the serpent is such an iconic and universal symbol which encompasses both light solar or masculine meanings as well as dark, lunar and feminine ones it becomes hard to pin down why the Serpent as a symbol would be disavowed from the official record of American culture.
Ben Franklin allegedly wanted the Gadsen “Don’t Tread on Me” flag with the iconic coiled timber rattlesnake to be the official flag of the 13 colonies since it represented individual rights, self defense, liberty and was depicted in a revolutionary cartoon attacking the English Griffin- A majestic and mythical winged creature with a Phoenix- like head and a lion -esque body.
Very similarly, the Ameri-indian depiction of the Serpent could symbolize a thunder creature, lightning, rain-bearer and “Enemy of the Thunder Bird”, possibly linking the use of the serpent symbology across many inhabitants of American lands to repelling outside, malevolent forces. The “enemy of the thunderbird” serpent use could point to potential ancient conflicts with the Phoenecians, a firebird like creature or possibly a recurring cataclysmic “Phoenix phenomenon”.
It sure is interesting to see the coincidences between early revolutionary iconography of 1776 and Ameri-Indian uses of the symbology, but quickly after the 13 colonies won independence from the Crown the currents seem to have reversed course quite radically with the choice of the American Eagle as the icon of the states.
The eagle is a clear adversary of the all encompassing serpent, the broad winged raptor which soars through the air, swooping down at a moment's notice to attack the serpent or snake from above. The Eagle in the sense of America in its infancy symbolizes the solar masculine principle of Ascension; Victory; Pride, Strength and Release from Bondage. The tension between the eagle and the serpent represents the wedge of eternal division, opposition and duality which is driven by those in power who wish to divide and conquer the populace.
“The conflict between the eagle and the serpent, or an eagle with a snake in its talons, depicts spiritual victory, the eagle being symbolic of the celestial powers of good and the serpent representing evil and chthonic powers; the eagle is also unmanifest light with the serpent as unmanifest darkness.” - Traditional Symbols by J.C. Cooper
Symbolically speaking, it seems after the revolutionary war of 1776, we have a rift between the eagle and serpent which may signify a Patriarchal, Christian or possibly Royal influence which swoops in to begin burying the symbol of the serpent… Oddly enough, this opposing force may be similar to the one which Ancient Americans built serpent mounds to repel.
If we do some sleuthing around the bible we can see the impulse to drive the serpent from the records of history is deep seeded. A simple serpentine division is found In Book 12 of Revelations where one hell of an allegory unfolds. It describes a woman giving birth to a “man child “ which she’s conceived with the seed of a “great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads”
“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Revelation 12:9 KJV
Here we can observe one of many passages in the bible which assigns the adversarial, deceptive qualities of Satan to the all encompassing Serpent which just so happens to be here on Earth and must be driven out! Not so great news for the legacy of the Ohio mound builders that their new neighbors are Serpent-phobic.
Revelations 12 also seems to describe the changing of the Great Year or metallic age to an Iron age where the Great Mother “Gaia Sophia” falls from her divine state due to being deceived by Satan. Although the message seems a bit trickster-ish, we can see in the eschatology of Revelations that the Dragon represents Time and astro theological order changes.
Additionally, It shows that the Serpent is also a Dragon, a symbol associated with Wales and England, amongst others. For man to slay the mythological Dragon is to conquer mythical time in order to install a man made, more temporal version which is untethered from nature and the greater astrological ages of the cosmos. To doom him to life according to industrial time is to chain his soul to his flesh suit, devoid of logos and immortality. That is, to disconnect from the feminine, serpentine, dark and mysterious forces.
Therefore, to want to bury the dragon or serpent- TIME, IMMORTALITY, LOGOS - to banish it to obscurity, to ignore its very real and verifiable presence is to psychologically submerge, ignore and drive the serpent from folk memory. A function of the shadow masculine or “Draconian” archetype.
Today, what we call a Draconian measure, or punishment “of great severity" is to harken back to the Draconian Constitution of ancient Athens. It was a move away from unwritten, oral and Natural Law to a written and standardized one. At that time, written law was considered a new technology which doled out severe and systemic “Draconian” judgements independent of the situational elements which can be more easily explained or discovered in a classical unwritten law setting. Instituted by legendary aristocratic legislator Draco, the harsh punishment for almost every crime was the death penalty, including stealing an apple.
While the narrative controllers at Wikipedia would really like the story of Draco to stop at the legend of unusually harsh punishment in Greece, unfortunately for them it connects directly to the star system Draconis, whose traditional name of Alpha Draconis, means "head of the serpent". During the early Bronze Age, when some of these Serpent shaped mounds may have been constructed, (in parallel with some Egyptian pyramids, too!) the Draco constellation star Thuban was the pole star in which they’d align with from roughly 3942 BC from 1793 BC.
So, the serpentine belt which ties all of this together is that we seem to be right on the heels of a purposefully buried global civilization. One which built calendar mounds in ancient America to venerate the infinity of the serpent. A possible post Atlantean civilization which accepted the regenerative qualities of the divine feminine wisdom or Sophia. Who knew that the secret powers of the kundalini could unlock vital energy for the initiated and carved the image of the serpent all over the world to make it immutable. Who’s animating spirit was driven to the margins of esoteric obscurity by a Royal changing of the ages.
So, who are these Serpent people? Native Americans? Annunaki? Archons? At this time I have no clue!
As we enter 2024 the Year of the Dragon according to Chinese astrology we will see whether the proverbial Dragon rises like the sun on the Ohio serpent mound or gets slayed like the mythical dragon in Arthurian legend. Until then, i’ll just keep following the breadcrumbs of the mystery while waiting for the serpents to emerge from under the Dolmens left behind by our ancestors.